Nyhedsavisen published in Denmark 24. ágúst 2006 11:27 Starfsmenn Nyhedsavisen í Kaupmannahöfn setja saman skrifborðin sín First issue of Nyhedsavisen will be published on October 6th in Denmark. Nyhedsavisen is a new freely distributed newspaper owned by the Icelandic company Dagsbrún. The newspaper will be distributed in 900.000 homes in Denmark according to plans. Predictions for the newspaper have been negative lately due to heavy competition in this new market and because of news that the financial status of the company is not as strong as expected. Heads at Nyhedsavisen disregard all negative forecasts and say the paper will come out in a larger publication than the competitors Dato and 24/7 that are only distributed to 100.000 homes. News News in English Mest lesið Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent „Árleg æfing í vonbrigðum“ Innlent Frægasti köttur landsins týndur Innlent Ræktar banana í Hafnarfirði með góðum árangri Innlent Fyrstu lotu læknaverkfalls aflýst Innlent Enginn drukkinn jólasveinn í jólaþorpi Hafnarfjarðar Innlent Engar ruslatunnur í Grindavík Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ása hyggst selja húsið og flytur ásamt börnum sínum Erlent Í símanum undir stýri og bíllinn mikið skemmdur Innlent
First issue of Nyhedsavisen will be published on October 6th in Denmark. Nyhedsavisen is a new freely distributed newspaper owned by the Icelandic company Dagsbrún. The newspaper will be distributed in 900.000 homes in Denmark according to plans. Predictions for the newspaper have been negative lately due to heavy competition in this new market and because of news that the financial status of the company is not as strong as expected. Heads at Nyhedsavisen disregard all negative forecasts and say the paper will come out in a larger publication than the competitors Dato and 24/7 that are only distributed to 100.000 homes.
News News in English Mest lesið Á bak við auglýsingarnar um Dag en skráður í Samfylkinguna Innlent „Árleg æfing í vonbrigðum“ Innlent Frægasti köttur landsins týndur Innlent Ræktar banana í Hafnarfirði með góðum árangri Innlent Fyrstu lotu læknaverkfalls aflýst Innlent Enginn drukkinn jólasveinn í jólaþorpi Hafnarfjarðar Innlent Engar ruslatunnur í Grindavík Innlent Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Ása hyggst selja húsið og flytur ásamt börnum sínum Erlent Í símanum undir stýri og bíllinn mikið skemmdur Innlent