Assisting Vietnamese Youngsters 29. nóvember 2006 13:50 Anh-Dao Tran was honoured by Save the Children Iceland for her contribution to supporting children and their rights. The project is called „Future in a new land“ and is a three year project with the goal of assisting Vietnamese youngsters, from the age 15 to 25, to educate themselves and be more active in participating in Icelandic society. The project attempts to analyse the obstacles that children of immigrants must deal with in the school system and the work environment. Anh-Dao came to the United States in 1975 as a refugee with her family. She moved to Iceland in 1984. Ahn-Dao has assisted refugees from Vietnam, both in the United States and in Iceland. In recent years she has worked as a teacher, counsellor, project-manager and participated in research studies on immigration issues. News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Glæný könnun Maskínu: Fylgi Framsóknar og Flokks fólksins á uppleið Innlent Opnunin á Blönduhlíð var engin opnun Innlent Erfitt að útskýra fyrir þriggja ára að það verði ekkert af afmæli í leikskólanum Innlent Sækja óvænt og hratt að Aleppo Erlent Misbýður ummæli um samhljóm stefnu sinnar og Breiviks Innlent Telja sig hafa fundið vísbendingu í máli D.B. Cooper Erlent Segir skemmdarverk Rússa í Evrópu geta leitt til átaka Erlent Kostuleg kosningabarátta: Óvæntar uppákomur og skrautlegir skandalar Innlent Sýkna Þórðar Más og Sólveigar Guðrúnar í milljarðamáli staðfest Innlent
Anh-Dao Tran was honoured by Save the Children Iceland for her contribution to supporting children and their rights. The project is called „Future in a new land“ and is a three year project with the goal of assisting Vietnamese youngsters, from the age 15 to 25, to educate themselves and be more active in participating in Icelandic society. The project attempts to analyse the obstacles that children of immigrants must deal with in the school system and the work environment. Anh-Dao came to the United States in 1975 as a refugee with her family. She moved to Iceland in 1984. Ahn-Dao has assisted refugees from Vietnam, both in the United States and in Iceland. In recent years she has worked as a teacher, counsellor, project-manager and participated in research studies on immigration issues.
News News in English Mest lesið Kosningavaktin: Íslendingar ganga að kjörborðinu Innlent Glæný könnun Maskínu: Fylgi Framsóknar og Flokks fólksins á uppleið Innlent Opnunin á Blönduhlíð var engin opnun Innlent Erfitt að útskýra fyrir þriggja ára að það verði ekkert af afmæli í leikskólanum Innlent Sækja óvænt og hratt að Aleppo Erlent Misbýður ummæli um samhljóm stefnu sinnar og Breiviks Innlent Telja sig hafa fundið vísbendingu í máli D.B. Cooper Erlent Segir skemmdarverk Rússa í Evrópu geta leitt til átaka Erlent Kostuleg kosningabarátta: Óvæntar uppákomur og skrautlegir skandalar Innlent Sýkna Þórðar Más og Sólveigar Guðrúnar í milljarðamáli staðfest Innlent